What to Expect of IV Therapy – IV Clinique Medical

What to Expect of IV Therapy

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A Timeline of What to Expect 

How healthy are you now?  What are your health goals: energy, physical strength, anti-aging and skin complexion?  At IV Clinique Medical we will assess your current health and map out a treatment plan personalized for you to achieve your health goals.  If your goals are closely within reach, your treatment time can be 4-8 weeks.  If your goals are farther away on the horizon, then treatment time can range up to 12 months.  Results vary from patient to patient, however, on average in the first 4 weeks of treatment, patient typically report:

Follow-up treatment will depend on your assessment.  Based on your health goals, we may need to see you monthly, once every 3-months or 6-months, yearly or as needed.